Financial performance at a glance

The following is a brief summary of the overall financial position of the agency. The information on this page is unaudited.

You can view the full audited financial statements for 2022-23 (PDF, 22.9 MB).

Statement of Comprehensive Income

2022-23 Budget


2022-23 Actual




Past year

2022-23 Actual


Total Income

404 945

383 733

(21 212)

543 964

Total Expenses

286 620

425 683

(139 063)

358 025

Net Result

118 325

(41 950)

(160 275)

185 939

Total Comprehensive Result

118 325

(41 950)

(160 275)

185 939

The department reported a $41.950 million negative net result for the 2022-23 financial year. This result is $160.275 million unfavourable when compared with the 2022-23 original budget, primarily due to the return of surplus cash to the Treasurer’s Consolidated Account, reduction in appropriation received due to a reprofiling of cashflows for Tarrkarri – Centre for First Nations Cultures, additional expenditure provided relating to new events and to grow existing events in South Australia and derecognition of assets where ICT infrastructure projects have ceased.

Statement of Financial Position

2022-23 Budget


2022-23 Actual




Past year

2022-23 Actual


Current assets

46 538

336 799

290 261

383 913

Non-current assets

354 615

149 252

(205 363)

143 869

Total assets

401 153

486 051

84 898

527 782

Current liabilities

35 296

26 781

(8 515)

28 438

Non-current liabilities

13 562

12 532

(1 030)

11 521

Total liabilities

48 858

39 313

(9 545)

39 959

Net assets

352 295

446 738

94 443

487 823


352 295

446 738

94 443

487 823

The department’s net assets as at 30 June 2023 were $94.443 million higher than original budget, primarily due to Adelaide Festival Centre precinct assets that were budgeted to transfer during 2022-23 which now transfer in 2023-24.

For further information please see the full audited financial statements for 2022-23 (PDF, 22.9 MB)

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