The Government of South Australia is the custodian of a diverse range of data. Making this available for everyone, unlocks its economic, social and environmental potential.

Open data delivers transparency, supports collaboration between private and public sector and encourages informed participation in government by citizens.

What is open data?

Open data is data that is:

  • available online
  • free wherever possible
  • published using agreed open standards
  • machine readable
  • openly licensed for commercial and other re-use.

Data SA – Government of South Australia open data directory

Data SA is the Government of South Australia's open data directory, home to over 1500 datasets. Over 70 South Australian government departments and local councils release and maintain datasets on Data SA.

  • Find a dataset by organisation
  • Find a dataset by topic
  • Visit the Data SA Apps & Ideas section to see how open data can be re-used to solve problems and benefit the community.
  • Ask an agency to consider releasing a dataset by completing the Request a dataset form.

Open Data Toolkit

The Open Data Toolkit provides a range of tools to assist agencies and local councils release open data.

The Open Data Process Guide has been developed to assist agencies through all the steps required to identify data and ultimately publish and maintain.

The Open Data Process Guide is divided into 6 steps:

  1. Identify
  2. Classify
  3. Approach
  4. Approve
  5. Publish
  6. Maintain.

Open Data Process Guide (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Agencies wanting to publish open data can refer to the Toolkit section of Data SA for more information.

Open Data Framework

The Open Data Framework helps agencies implement open data principles and develop open data action plans.

It applies to Government of South Australia public authorities, including but not limited to, public sector agencies and administrative units. They are expected to develop open data strategies that include specific actions and report on their progress. Public sector agencies are also required to commit to maintaining the highest standards of privacy, security and integrity with respect to the data they hold.

GovHack open data competition

GovHack in an annual open data hackathon held over 46 hours. The competition is run by volunteers across Australia. If you are interested in getting involved as a competitor, mentor, or sponsor please contact GovHack: