
Accessibility is about ensuring that people with disability have equal access to programs, employment, training, goods and services, premises, communication, information and technology.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), refers to the wide range of cultural groups that make up the South Australian population and our communities. The term acknowledges that groups and individuals differ according to religion and spirituality, racial background and ethnicity as well as language.


The social model of disability defines disability as a result of the interaction between:

  • features of an individual (their medical condition); and
  • features of society (the environment) in which they participate.

Where features of a society (attitudes, communication, natural and built environment, services, systems and policies, employment and activities) may create barriers to participation.

For the purposes of data collection,the department relies on employees self-identifying as having disability, as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

Employee-led networks

Employee-led networks, also known as Employee Resource Groups, Employee Networks or Employee Affinity Groups are voluntary, employee-led groups bringing together employees with lived experience to connect, foster dialogue around diversity, workplace inclusion, advice and advocacy. They serve as a resource for members and organisations by fostering a diverse, inclusive workplace aligned with the organisation’s mission, values, goals, business practices and objectives.

Employee networks can be about any group of people. Some common examples of networks are below:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or Reconciliation Action Plan
  • age inclusion
  • cultural and linguistic diversity
  • disability or disability and carers
  • neurodiversity
  • gender equality or gender equity

Gender equity

Gender equity refers to creating workplaces where all genders can access opportunities and participate in the workplace on an equal basis.

Gender transition/gender affirmation

Gender transition, also known as gender affirmation, refers to the steps a person may take to socially and/or physically feel more aligned with their gender. It can include social steps (such as publicly changing their name, pronouns and appearance), medical steps (such as hormones and/or surgery) and/or legal steps (changing their legal gender marker and name in official documents).


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and agender/asexual/aromantic+ (LGBTIQA+) refers to the diverse sex, sexual orientation and gender identities represented in the community. The term LGBTIQA+ is used to be as inclusive as possible, though it is recognised there are many more terms that may describe our diverse community members.

Mature age

While being of mature age is not defined to a specific age bracket, for workforce data snapshot purposes only, this framework refers to people aged 50 and over.

Unconscious bias

Unconscious bias refers to a bias that we are unaware of, happens automatically and which happens outside of our control. It is our rain’s way of making quick judgements and assessments of people and situations, using our background, cultural environment and personal experiences over our lifespan. Unconscious bias is reflected in the prejudices and stereotypes that are deeply seated within us as a result of our socialisation.

Young employees

Young employees in the context of this framework refers to those employees new to their working careers, such as graduates and trainees. While this is not defined to a specific age bracket, for workforce data snapshot purposes only, this framework references those employees under 30 years old.

Your Voice Survey

The I WORK FOR SA – Your Voice Survey is a voluntary and confidential South Australian Public Sector employee survey coordinated by the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment.

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