Live phase

Live is the final User Centred Design (UCD) and delivery phase.

Why do we need the Live phase?

To ensure the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is not the end of the process but is recognised as the start. The MVP should now be improved continuously, based on user feedback, analytics and further research.

What happens in the Live phase?

You’ll repeat the whole process (Discovery, Alpha and Beta) for smaller pieces of work as the service continues running. Find something that needs improvement, research solutions, iterate, release.

Refer back to your vision and ensure you remain focussed on providing a fully resilient service for all end users.

The service should:

  • meet all security and performance standards
  • use analytics to accurately monitor the key performance indicators identified in the building of your service
  • have a planned transition or integration of any existing services
  • meet the user needs identified in the Discovery, Alpha and Beta phases
  • have technical and customer-focussed operational support in place
  • have implemented pro-active monitoring methods that monitor system performance, optimise the code and ensure the service remains secure.

How long does the Live phase last?


Starting the Live phase

Before starting the Live phase, revisit the Beta phase to ensure there are no outstanding technical/non-technical issues.

The team construct should be well known by now. As Live is a repeat of all previous phases see Building a UCD Team for resources.


  • Does the service meet all security standards?
  • Does the service have analytics configured?
  • Have user needs been met?
  • Is operational support in place for the new service?
  • Has an assessment against the Digital Service Standard been done?

Next phase

Live involves repeating all previous phases for each new improvement, so the next phase would be considered the Discovery phase.