This Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) was first developed and launched in October 2020, setting out the department’s actions and measures to support Inclusive SA and improve access and inclusion for South Australians living with disability.

Since the initial release, the department has experienced changes shaped by Machinery of Government changes, leadership and organisational realignment, the impact of COVID-19 and post-COVID recovery, and establishment of the Office for Autism.

The original DAIP actions aligned with the initial release of Inclusive SA and were categorised under four key themes:

  • Inclusive Communities for All
  • Leadership and Collaboration
  • Learning and Employment
  • Accessible Communities.

In 2021, Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (ADS) was released, playing an important role in protecting, promoting and realising the human rights of people with disability. The outcome areas in the strategy set out where governments at all levels, working with the community and business, and people with disability will focus on delivering needed changes.

An interim review of Inclusive SA was released in 2022 to support the transition to the new ADS and set the foundation for future iterations of Inclusive SA.

Accordingly, this DAIP Interim Review has followed and deliverables have been re-mapped to align with the ADS Outcome Areas:

  • Employment and Financial Security
  • Inclusive Homes and Communities
  • Safety, Rights and Justice
  • Personal and Community Support
  • Education and Learning
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Community Attitudes.

Further, as part of this review, new actions have been added to reflect the work of the new Office for Autism, some actions have been refined and others, including completed actions, have been removed and replaced by more meaningful actions that more closely align to the ADS Outcome Areas. We have also responded to identified gaps in the Outcome Areas of Health and Wellbeing.

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