Annual reports | Table of contents | Section A | Section B

Section C: Reporting of public complaints as requested by the Ombudsman

Summary of complaints by subject

Public complaints received by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC)
Category of complaints by subjectNumber of instances

Service quality / delivery


Behaviour of staff


Service access / process / procedures




Total DPC *


Data for previous years is available at: Data.SA public complaints received by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

*There was a significant increase in public complaints received by DPC during the past year; up from 483 in 2016-17 to 1014 by 20 June 2018. This rise reflects in part, easier access to complaints channels by customers as well as increased efforts by business units to more effectively capture and analyse complaint and feedback data.

Table of contents

Complaint outcomes

Nature of complaint or suggestion

Services improved or changes as a result of complaints or consumer suggestions

Service Improvements

Service SA

Service SA implemented a number of service improvements based on analysis of customer data. A key example is Service SA’s online enquiry channel, which prior to reform was receiving around 100 email enquiries daily with a promised response time of five days. Using complaint data, Service SA identified multiple pain points, namely:

  • a significant number of enquiries related to transactions already available online, and
  • many customers followed up their online enquiries soon afterwards with a call resulting in rework and double handling.

Service SA implemented some simple steps to guide customers to make more informed decisions. These included amending the online enquiry form to triage enquiries as part of the customer’s completion process. The improved process enabled the automated response to contain specific directions to relevant mySA GOV/EzyReg transactions, or direct links to webpages for broader information.

These simple improvements resulted in a reduction in response time enquiries from five days to two days. By using standard and customer focused language in responses, the overall service experience quality is more consistent.

Shared Services SA

Shared Services SA has continued to enhance their communication, training and education with agencies to improve the end-to-end process performance. There is a new learning centre approach where key employees will be available on-site at an agency to share information. Client education is also supported by regular training of employees across operational processes and customer service.

In December 2017, Shared Services SA implemented Post Incident Reviews (PIR) for complaints to undertake root cause analysis and focus on process improvements. The PIR focuses on issues where the primary causes are within Shared Services SA’s control and determine appropriate improvements.

Since April 2017, Service SA also triaged more than 800 customer complaints for other agencies through the across government complaints form on Designed to complement existing complaint and feedback online channels, this external analysis of complaint trends enables agencies to review and update their complaints channels and service offerings.

Annual reports | Table of contents | Section A | Section B