At a glance

The following is a brief summary of the overall financial position of the agency. The information on this page is unaudited.

You can view the full Audited financial statements (PDF, 2.7 MB), which is also included as an appendix of the annual report.

Statement of Comprehensive Income

2021-22 Budget


2021-22 Actual




Past year

2021-22 Actual


Total Income

384 198

543 964

159 766

325 319

Total Expenses

295 065

358 025

(62 960)

310 868

Net Result

89 133

185 939

96 806

14 451

Total Comprehensive Result

89 133

185 939

96 806

14 451

The department reported a $185.939m net result for the 2021-22 financial year. This result is $96.806m favourable when compared with the 2021-22 original budget, primarily due to the Adelaide Festival Plaza Public Realm Improvement asset, transferred from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

Statement of Financial Position

2021-22 Budget


2021-22 Actual




Past year

2021-22 Actual


Current assets

35 927

350 557

314 630

77 133

Non-current assets

356 384

143 869

(212 515)

236 091

Total assets

392 311

494 426

102 115

313 224

Current liabilities

23 728

28 438

4 710

32 387

Non-current liabilities

14 514

11 521

(2 993)

12 675

Total liabilities

38 242

39 959

1 717

45 062

Net assets

354 069

454 467

100 398

268 162


354 069

454 467

100 398

268 162

The department’s net assets as at 30 June 2022 were $100.398m higher than original budget, primarily due to the Adelaide Festival Plaza Public Realm Improvement asset, transferred from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

In this section