
To achieve a series of 13 objectives to guide the growth of and investment in the state’s leadership in the arts and cultural sector, the plan detailed 45 recommendations for the government’s consideration.

Photo of artistic performanceNow, you can view a status update on some of those recommendations which includes:

  • the commencement of a business case to assess the viability of and options for an acoustic venue
  • review of the need for additional black box theatre capacity
  • increased funds for the Fellowship funding program in 2020, available through Arts South Australia’s Independent Makers and Presenters funding program
  • a review of national grant structures to inform development of a new grant funding model
  • the development of a digital access plan for South Australia's collections
  • contribute to the development of the Growth State Creative Industries Sector Strategy to support the growth of the creative industries. This will inform the development of an export and investment strategy.

View the updates per objective on the Recommendations and government’s response page.

Learn more about the arts review and plan for South Australia.