The department proactively publishes all non-personal information released to applicants under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act).

Documents or excerpts of documents which include the personal affairs of an individual will not be disclosed online. Similarly, documents which can be claimed as exempt material pursuant to Schedule 1 of the FOI Act will not be disclosed online. Documents which are considered defamatory or those which represent a breach of confidentiality or could be expected to cause harm to a person, will also be exempt from disclosure online.

Please email the FOI Unit for a copy of any of the documents listed below.

DPC Reference No. Date of determination FOI request
DPC20/0555 26/06/2020 All electronic communication sent or received by the Premier's Office relating to media requests to SA Health to release the COVID-19 report on schools
DPC20/0340 16/06/2020 Documents regarding background/police checks and permits for the APY Lands
DPC20/0419 8/06/2020 Copies of any and all documents that mention or reference in any way the Aboriginal Lands Trust and/or ALT
DPC19/1641, DPC19/1642 and DPC19/1644 4/06/2020 Copies of all documents between the Minister/Minister's Office staff and the Attorney General/Attorney General's Office regards to any FOI 12/03/2019 - 11/09/2019
DPC20/0406 4/06/2020 Documents related to the 2019 ADC Global Blockchain Summit, the Blockchain Innovation Challenge, event management, and updates of registration
DPC20/0341 22/05/2020 All documents or advice between Premier/Premier's Office and Ian Smith regarding financial support for the Whyalla Steelworks and/or GFG Alliance
DPC19/1736 8/05/2020 Documents regarding matters relating to Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY)
DPC20/0388 6/05/2020 Documents from the department  that were distributed to any MPs that represented the Premier at any event concerning the Aboriginal Affairs Portfoilo
DPC20/0389 6/05/2020 Documents from the Premier's Office that were distributed to MPs that represented the Premier at any event concerning the Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio
DPC19/2280 5/05/2020 Information about the 2017 State of Jazz initiative and the Adelaide International Jazz Day Gala
DPC19/1689 27/04/2020 All documents that relate to proposals for an investment fund to support start-ups and encouraging the use of state-based superannuation funds as investors in local business
DPC19/2131 24/03/2020 All documents relating to the implementation, development, investigation or feasibility of tolls or freight charges
DPC19/1636 6/03/2020 Copies of all documents between DPC staff and the Premier and/or Premier's Office in regards to any FOI about the Buthera Agreement
DPC19/0836 2/03/2020 Since 17 March 2018, all documents relating to ADC Global Blockchain Summit and Kingsland University Blockchain Essentials training program
DPC19/1448 2/03/2020 All documents including briefings, memos, emails, correspondence and cost of any market research or focus groups conducted by the Department of Premier and Cabinet
DPC19/0982 21/02/2020 Since 17 March 2018, copies of all documents that refer to Monarto Zoo, Adelaide Zoo and/or the giant pandas Wang Wang and Funi
DPC19/2168 18/02/2020 All files, reports, document, invoices, briefings and emails detailing the cost of indoor plants in DPC  for the period January 1, 2019 to 21 November
DPC19/2174 17/02/2020 Total cost and breakdown of expenditure for the event to celebrate the announcement of the Australian Space Agency (ASA) headquartered in Adelaide on 17 December 2018
DPC18/3776 13/01/2020 Documents, photos and video footage, produced since 01/01/17 relating to accidents involving State Government Cars and the cost of repairs
DPC19/1264 11/12/2019 Calendar and/or diary of the Chief Executive of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Mr Jim McDowell including the names of any government attendees at meetings
DPC19/1676 9/12/2019 Since 30 June 2019, copies of all documents to the Chief Executive, DPC, relating to proposals for venture capital funds, start-up funds and access to state-based superannuation funds
DPC19/0835 6/12/2019 Since 17 March 2018, all documents related to the process by which the election was to be conducted for members of the Recreational Fishing Advisory Council
DPC19/1747 28/11/2019 Documents relating to Mr William Morrison being selected by the South Australian Government for an award in relation to the "nation-wide campaign in China"
DPC19/1690 19/11/2019 All correspondence between Assistant Minister to the Premier and the University of Adelaide from 18/03/2018-12/09/2019
DPC19/1477 4/11/2019 Searches of Central Archive re Aboriginal Heritage requested since 2010 in and around the areas of St Kitts, Hansborough, Dutton, Dutton East, Steinfeld (Stonefield), Frankton, Bagot Well and Koonunga
DPC19/1265 27/08/2019 A copy of all documents including briefings and/or advice, minutes, notes, emails, sms's, invites, calandar invites and correspondence to and from Mr Geoff Rohrsheim from the Premier and or his Office or any public officer in DPC from 19th of March 2018 to the 13th of June 2019.
DPC19/1115 16/08/2019 Since 1 February 2019, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic or written briefs, internal discussion papers, minutes, emails,
diary entries, and any other correspondence) between the Office of the Premier Steven Marshall and the Office of the Hon Rob Lucas MLC, Treasurer of South Australia regarding: - all advertising campaigns, the scope of their publication and costing for the remainder of 2018/19 financial year, and - all commercial contracts between Advertiser Newspapers Pty Ltd and the State Government for the remainder of the 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years.
DPC19/1111 16/08/2019 Since 1 February 2019, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic or written briefs, internal discussion papers, minutes, emails, diary
entries, and any other correspondence) between the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Office of the Hon Rob Lucas MLC, Treasurer of South Australia regarding - all advertising campaigns, the scope of their publication and costing for the remainder of 2018/19 financial year, and - all commercial contracts between Advertiser Newspapers Pty Ltd and the State Government for the remainder of the 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years.
DPC19/0909 9/08/2019 All documents, reports and correspondence received by the Department of Premier and Cabinet regarding the 2019-20 Federal Budget. Date range - 01/03/2019 to 04/04/2019.
DPC19/1272 6/08/2019 A copy of all documents including briefings and/or advice, minutes, notes, emails, sms's, invites, calendar invites and correspondence to and from Mr Geoff Rohrsheim from the
Premier and or his Office […] from 19th of March 2018 to the 13th of June 2019.
DPC19/1259 29/07/2019 All briefings and minutes from the South Australian Productivity Commission regarding the Government Procurement Inquiry Stage 2
DPC19/1027 19/07/2019 Responses from prescribed authorities to inquires [sic] of the Productivity Commission as held by the South Australian Productivity Commission or Department of Premier and Cabinet. Time Frame - 1/5/18 - 26/4/19
DPC19/0158 15/07/2019 All correspondence and all documents between the DPC and DPTI relating to Lang Walker, the Walker Corporation and/or any associated entities of Lang Walker, in the last six months. Date range - 01/08/2018 to 30/01/2019
DPC19/1258 15/07/2019 All briefings and minutes from the South Australian Productivity Commission regarding the Government Procurement Inquiry Stage 1
DPC19/0885 8/07/2019 Any documents, such as but not limited to reports, diary notes, meetings, communications, emails, and correspondence between the former SA Health Chief
Executive Vickie Kaminski and Erma Ranieri, either in her role as Chief Executive of Department of [the] Premier and Cabinet or the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment and or her offices between March 18, 2018 and November 1, 2018.
DPC19/0901 8/07/2019 Receipts, invoices, reimbursements and any other documents relating to all expenditure for the visit by Premier Steven Marshall and other members of the SA Government delegation to the United States of America between 19-29 January 2019. Date range - 01/01/2019 to 03/04/2019
DPC19/1105 3/07/2019 Since 26 November 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) that relate to; (a) the implementation of the Defence Industry Employment Program for Ex-Service Personnel. (b) the agreement between the Defence Teaming Centre and Defence SA to partner on delivering the program (c) proposed public events in May 2019 to promote the program.